Enhanced tiny prefab house ideas with Russian heating systems
Product Details:
Place of origin: China
Certification: CE, FCC
Model Number: Model E7 Capsule | Model E5 Capsule | Apple Cabin | Model J-20 Capsule | Model O5 Capsule | QQ Cabin
Payment and shipping terms:
Minimum order quantity: 1 unit
Packaging Details: Film wrapping, foam and wooden box
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks after payment
Payment terms: T/T in advance
Product Name
Enhanced tiny prefab house ideas with Russian heating systems |
Exterior Equipment
Galvanized steel frame; Fluorocarbon aluminum alloy shell; Insulated, waterproof and moisture-proof construction; Hollow tempered
glass windows; Hollow tempered laminated glass skylight; Stainless steel side-hinged entry door. |
Interior Equipment
Integrated modular ceiling &wall; Stone plastic composite floor; Privacy glass door for bathroom; Marble/tile floor for bathroom;
Washstand /washbasin /bathroom mirror; Toilet /faucet /shower /floor drain; Whole house lighting system; Whole house plumbing &electrical system; Blackout curtains; Air conditioner; Bar table; Entryway cabinet. |
Room Control Unit
Key card switch; Multiple scenario modes; Lights&curtains with intelligent integrated control; Intelligent voice control; Smart
lock. |
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